The Pallas Athena Client Experience 

What should you expect in terms of initial and on-going service should you become a client of PALLAS ATHENA INVESTMENT COUNSEL? 

The first step:

You talk, we listen:  

In order for us to build an investment solution for you, we must understand your personal situation. In an initial meeting and discussion, we will ask questions about you, your business, your finances and your family, so that you have a chance to show us what you actually need. At the same time you will be able to find out how our background and expertise will benefit you. 

The second step:

We propose, you talk, we discuss…  

On the basis of our initial meeting and discussion, we will create a customized investment solution for your personal situation. As well, we will develop an implementation strategy for the proposed solution. You will also have an opportunity to continue discussion in relation to this plan to ensure that it is right for you. 

The third step:

We implement:

We then proceed with the implementation of the investment plan. We will monitor the solution in relation to the objectives discussed. 

The fourth step:

We report:

Every quarter we will provide you with a report of your investments. Because we are accessible, any questions you may have can be answered quickly. Over time many situations can arise that were not present initially and we are available to deal with them as they occur.