Speculative Philosophy and Practical Life, James Lowry, 1993, Ailouros second edition 2019. Pour acheter ce livre, visitez: Amazon.ca. Pour plus d’information à propos de ce livre et les autres publications du Dr. Lowry, visitez: Ailouros.ca.

The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham, Harper & Row, New York, 1973.

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, Philip A. Fisher, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York, 1958.

How to Trade in Stocks, Jesse L. Livermore, Investor’s Press Inc., Palisades Park, New Jersey, 1940.

A Money Mind at Ninety, Philip L. Carret, Fraser Publishing Company, Burlington, Vermont, 1991.

When Genius Failed, Roger Lowenstein, Random House, New York, 2000.

The Essays of Warren Buffett, ed. Lawrence A. Cunningham, 1997 and 1998.

Damn Right! Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger, Janet Lowe, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2000.

Security Analysis, Graham, Dodd and Cottle, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1962.

The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, 2nd edition, ed. Fabozzi and Pollack, Dow Jones-Irwin, Homewood, Illinois, 1993 and 1997.

Run to Daylight, Vince Lombardi with W.C. Heinz, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York, 1963.

The Money Masters, John Train, Penguin Books, New York, 1980.

The Day the Bubble Burst – a social history of the Wall Street Crash of 1929,  Thomas and Morgan-Witts, Doubleday & Co. Inc., New York, 1979.

Strategy, B.H. Liddell Hart, Faber & Faber Ltd., London, 1954.

Gödel. Esher, Bach, an eternal golden braid, Douglas R. Hofstadter, Random House, New York, 1980.